The EUR ING (European Engineer / Euroengineer) is a Europe-wide recognized equivalent of technical higher education. It is considered to be a guarantee of the professional and social quality of a European engineer education. The certificate allows the unlimited mobility of engineers in the world and at the same time it addresses the issue of recognition of qualifications between countries in Europe and all over the world.

Graduates of the Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies of the Technical University with the seat in Prešov can apply for this degree. The certificate that proves the quality of education enhances the internship of a graduate in the domestic and foreign labor market as well as offers the opportunity to benefit from the FEANI partner assistance.

Procedure when applying for the EUR ING title:

The applicant must meet the following conditions for applying for the EUR ING title:

  1. to be a graduate of the faculty of the Slovak Technical University registered in the FEANI index as well as to successfully defend his/her diploma thesis. (This condition is met by any successful graduate of the Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies who completed his/her studies by achieving the degree of "engineer")
  2. to have minimum two years of valid professional experience
  3. to speak one of the FEANI languages (English, French, German, Spanish) at the state examination level

The application form for the EUR ING (available at must be
completed by the following documents:

  • a copy of the school leaving certificate
  • a copy of an engineering diploma obtained at an accredited technical university verified by a notary
  • a document confirming that the applicant has pursued the practice in his/her field for at least two years
  • a certificate of proficiency in English, French or German, or confirmation about working abroad where one of those languages is used
  • note: after approval of the SNKF application, the tenderer is required to pay a fee of 400 EUR for approval and administrative proceedings in Slovakia and Brussels.
  • the completed form on engineering practice (

Slovak National Committee FEANI ensure follow-up process to the title.

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